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New posts in auto-indent

How do I disable electric indent on RET but still keep other electric characters (e.g., ‘{’)?

Fix indentation for entire project in Xcode 7?

How to fix indentation in Systemverilog source

Emacs indenting after macro in C

c emacs macros auto-indent

Xcode Disable Colon-aligning Auto-indent

xcode auto-indent

How to fix broken automatic indentation in vim

NetBeans doesn't know how to format JS code, how do I fix?

Auto-indent Between Tags in Brackets

notepad++ and nppautoindent

Scala mode indentation in Emacs

How to set up vim's identation for literate Haskell programming?

vim phpdoc multiline comment autoindent

vim phpdoc auto-indent

Command-line program to indent PHP files

php indentation auto-indent

How to force SublimeText 2 to use 4 spaces tab? (it changes to spaces sometimes)

Intellij formatter chained method calls

Is it possible to auto-indent a query in mysql-worckbench

Can I make MATLAB ignore a section of code when auto-indenting?

matlab editor auto-indent

Emacs Mode for a c-like language