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Intellij formatter chained method calls

How to force IntellJ code formatter to autoindent wrapped arguments list on different level than wrapped chained method calls:

EDIT: See updated examples for better problem description. The default formatter works as expected if I wrap each consecutive method call to a new line. The problem occurs only if I want to leave one or more dots per line:

Wrapping this:

new Something()
    .chained("arg1", "arg2", "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .chained("arg1", "arg2", "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .extra().chained("arg1", "arg2", "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .extra().chained("arg1", "arg2", "very long arg I want to see in new line");

I would expect something like this:

new Something()
    .chained("arg1", "arg2", 
        "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .chained("arg1", "arg2", 
        "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .extra().chained("arg1", "arg2", 
        "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .extra().chained("arg1", "arg2", 
        "very long arg I want to see in new line");

But the result is:

new Something()
    .chained("arg1", "arg2", 
        "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .chained("arg1", "arg2", 
        "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .extra().chained("arg1", "arg2", 
    "very long arg I want to see in new line")
    .extra().chained("arg1", "arg2", 
    "very long arg I want to see in new line");
like image 883
JockX Avatar asked Nov 12 '15 19:11


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1 Answers

Go to File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Java > Wrapping and Braces

Configure Chained method calls to Wrap always and mark Align when multiline:

enter image description here

like image 178
Jaumzera Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10
