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New posts in atomic

Atomicity in C++ : Myth or Reality

c++ atomic memory-alignment

Atomic properties vs thread-safe in Objective-C

How to use std::atomic<>

When is a compiler-only memory barrier (such as std::atomic_signal_fence) useful?

Why is std::atomic<bool> much slower than volatile bool?

Pop multiple values from Redis data structure atomically?

Which CPU architectures support Compare And Swap (CAS)?

In C is "i+=1;" atomic? [duplicate]

c atomic

C++ atomic_flag query state

Alignment requirements for atomic x86 instructions vs. MS's InterlockedCompareExchange documentation?

Do I have to use atomic<bool> for "exit" bool variable?

c++ c++11 atomic

C++11 atomic memory ordering - is this a correct usage of relaxed (release-consume) ordering?

How to declare a vector of atomic in C++

c++ stl c++11 atomic

Acquire/Release versus Sequentially Consistent memory order

Understanding c++11 memory fences

c++ c++11 atomic

std::atomic | compare_exchange_weak vs. compare_exchange_strong

Why is integer assignment on a naturally aligned variable atomic on x86?

Are atomic variables lock-free?

Is incrementing a field in MySQL atomic?

How to atomically negate an std::atomic_bool?