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New posts in atomic

C++11 memory_order_acquire and memory_order_release semantics?

Why isn't atomic double fully implemented

UNIX Portable Atomic Operations

c concurrency posix atomic

Use cases for updateOne over findOneAndUpdate in MongoDB [duplicate]

database mongodb atomic

AtomicInteger and volatile [duplicate]

Initialize static atomic member variable

c++ c++11 constants atomic

C++ std::atomic vs. Boost atomic

c++ multithreading atomic

Reliability of atomic counters in DynamoDB

Atomicity on x86

Can atomics suffer spurious stores?

Is a variable swap guaranteed to be atomic in python?

compare and swap vs test and set

Atomic Operations and multithreading

Which is threadsafe atomic or non atomic?

Can a bool read/write operation be not atomic on x86? [duplicate]

c++ x86 boolean atomic

Thread-safe cache libraries for .NET

Is C++11 atomic<T> usable with mmap?

SSE instructions: which CPUs can do atomic 16B memory operations?

C++11: write move constructor with atomic<bool> member?

Are +=, |=, &= etc atomic? [duplicate]