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Are atomic variables lock-free?

When we talk about atomic variables, such as C++11's atomic<>, is it lock free? Or is lock-freeness something different? If I manage a queue with atomic variables, will it be slower than a lock-free queue?

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pythonic Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 13:04


People also ask

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The key in lock-free programming is to use hardware-intrinsic atomic operations. As a matter of fact, even locks themselves must use those atomic operations!

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Lock-free techniques allow multiple threads to work together in a non-blocking way, often achieving incredible performance. As the name suggests, locks are not used. If the idea of a multithreaded program without mutexes makes you uncomfortable, you are quite sane. Yet lock-free systems are pervasive.

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atomic which offers lock-free and thread-safe classes. Variables of these class types are called as atomic variables. There are 12 classes within this package.

2 Answers

The standard does not specify if atomic objects are lock-free. On a platform that doesn't provide lock-free atomic operations for a type T, atomic<T> objects may be implemented using a mutex, which wouldn't be lock-free. In that case, any containers using these objects in their implementation would not be lock-free either.

The standard does provide a way to check if an atomic<T> variable is lock-free: you can use var.is_lock_free() or atomic_is_lock_free(&var). These functions are guaranteed to always return the same value for the same type T on a given program execution. For basic types such as int, There are also macros provided (e.g. ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE) which specify if lock-free atomic access to that type is available.

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interjay Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10


Lock-free usually applies to data structures shared between multiple threads, where the synchronisation mechanism is not mutual exclusion; the intention is that all threads should keep making some kind of progress instead of sleeping on a mutex.

atomic<T> variables don't use locks (at least where T is natively atomic on your platform), but they're not lock-free in the sense above. You might use them in the implementation of a lock-free container, but they're not sufficient on their own.

Eg, atomic<queue<T>> wouldn't suddenly make a normal std::queue into a lock-free data structure. You could however implement a genuinely lock-free atomic_queue<T> whose members were atomic.

Note that even if atomic<int> is natively atomic and not emulated with a lock on your platform, that does not make it lock-free in any interesting way. Plain int is already lock-free in this sense: the atomic<> wrapper gets you explicit control of memory ordering, and access to hardware synchronisation primitives.

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Useless Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10
