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Can the return type of the function be obtained from within the function?

Can the return type of a function be obtained in a simple way within the function?

For example, given:

template <typename P>
static inline auto foo(P p) -> typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*p)>::type {
    typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*p)>::type f{};  // <-- here


In C++11 can I refer to the big nasty return type of foo, within foo itself, without repeating it, at the line marked // <-- here?

like image 574
BeeOnRope Avatar asked Sep 05 '18 17:09


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A function is an instance of the Object type. You can store the function in a variable. You can pass the function as a parameter to another function. You can return the function from a function.

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1 Answers

Call the function with a decltype.

decltype(foo(p)) f{};
like image 187
Rakete1111 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
