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Firefox Icon Font Overly Bold Anti-Aliasing

html css firefox antialiasing

Text antialiasing broken in Java 1.7 (Windows)

What happened to anti-aliasing in Java 7?

java swing java-7 antialiasing

Why are some of the grid lines randomly disappearing on my responsive D3 chart?

Java Slick scale Image without anti-aliasing

java antialiasing slick2d

Is there a technical reason why canvas's drawImage() doesn't do sub-pixel rendering / antialiasing?

Anti Alias, UIImage and Performance

Artifacts when enabling 4x MSAA anti-aliasing on iPad / iOS

How do you use CheckMultisampleQualityLevels and enable multisampling

Can the rendering of the JavaFX 2/8 font be improved?

fonts javafx-2 antialiasing

Why does this transparent PNG cause borders when combined using GD?

How to draw anti aliased lines in OpenGL ES 2.0?

Anti-aliased text in X11

linux x11 antialiasing xlib

Avoiding lines between adjecent svg rectangles

svg antialiasing

php imagejpeg quality stinks: why?

Java Text on Image

Anti-aliasing on rotated div with border image in firefox

How do I turn off all the image processing to see actual, unmodified pixels when I zoom way in?

ios image antialiasing

Antialiasing and gamma compensation

graphics antialiasing gamma