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New posts in java-2d

How do I create and distribute diagonal stripes on a rectangle?

Are actors the right tool to implement the messaging between a simple multiplayer game?

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How to make rotated text look good with Java2D

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Java GUI Rotation and Translation of Rectangle

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about preparing the map of Risk game with swing in java [closed]

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Java swing small 2D game: how to modelize the view?

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"Zoom" text to be as big as possible within constraints/box

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Java moving rectangle faster?

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Split image into clickable regions

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Rendering text in an image in Java

Can Java2D be as fast as LWJGL and JOGL?

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The best way of using graphics for games

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How to draw a Round rectangle in java with normal rectangle outline

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Java: Friendlier way to get an instance of FontMetrics

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Horrendous Performance in a Simple Java2D App

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Which component to subclass to draw in Java2D (for a 2D game)

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Java2D: BufferedImage not accelerated on Ubuntu

Scala: Affine Transformations

scala graphics java-2d