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New posts in angular-material-6

mat-tab remove the tab-body DOM but not hide it

Can't override the angular material theme with my css properties

Angular material table with data source: pagination and filter is not working

Angular Material mat-select dynamic data binding in Angular

MatTable Expand Collapse Icon issue on pagination and sort

Material grid list in Material grid tile possible (nested grids)?

Angular material - autocomplete mat-error

Mat expansion panel extend over other html elements

How i can display a MatSnackBar from a Service with Angular Material?

How to theme angular material component shapes?

Class extends MatTableDataSource and table with filtering

How to reduce the size of MatSelect DropDown Panel

Confirm message before closing material dialog accidentally in Angular?

Mat-select panel min-width

Angular Material virtual scroll not rendering items in unit tests

How to prevent material menu from closing without user permission in angular 7

Angular mat-table pagination not working, entire data is loaded on First page of mat-table

Getting list of selected values from Angular 6 mat-selection-list

Mat table with ngFor and sorting

Cannot read property 'ngMetadataName' of undefined