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Closable tabs in Angular material

How to customize mdToast (to center)


How to make md Content scrollable in Angular material Design

Angular Material md-icon error No provider for Http

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Change selected value in md-autocomplete in angular material

Basic Angular material layout / flex example not working

angular material md-select to show the dropdown on focus

I am using ngx-tooltip within angular-material, but the tooltip is being cut off, any way to adjust z-index?

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How to synchronize two Angular Material paginators?

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Stepper - Angular Material - Cannot read property 'markForCheck' of undefined

angular angular-material

angular material two check boxes, only one can be checked at a time

Angular Material matToolTip does not display when using ngFor function

angular angular-material

Angular Material Datepicker openStream and closeStream

Angular Material Chips to be displayed under the input box

Async data not available in material bottom sheet component when also injecting data

adding a custom class to a mat-menu

Angular Material mat-tree with checkboxes select all

Sorting using mat-table for nested properties

Angular Material Select (mat-select) not showing when Angular Google Maps in full screen mode

How can I change date format in angular material datepicker?