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New posts in angular-material-table

Angular mat-table: Is it possible to merge cells by columns?

Why doesn't <table mat-table> apply flexbox properties?

MatTable Expand Collapse Icon issue on pagination and sort

Angular material table sticky headers not working as expected

Angular Material Table - How to update column header of an existing table?

How to use 2 pagination for single table in angular material table?

How to use key-value object as datasource for Angular Material table

Missing definitions for header, footer, and row; cannot determine which columns should be rendered - Angular Material Table

Angular Material Table Cell Formatting

Angular show image in Material Table Cell

Angular material 2 table - define column using TemplateRef and ngTemplateOutlet

How to create custom filtering using MatTableDataSource in angular 5?

Why am I unable to apply a border to an angular mat-table row?

The correct method of updating a MatTableDataSource in angular 2 version 6

Angular Material Table how to pass object to displayedColumns instead of array

mat-paginator breaks when mat-table is inside of NgIf

How to add mutiple header rows using angular material table

Include Buttons and Paginator in the Material Table Footer