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New posts in angular-material2

Angular Material 2: Multiple mat-table sorting is working on first table only

Angular 5 with Angular Material - Button Ripple Effect not working

mat-tab remove the tab-body DOM but not hide it

Angular mat-select get the selected option data object

Angular material: Programmatic "next" for linear stepper

Angular material not working in angular version 9

Jhipster / md-button is not a known element

Custom theme in Material 2 returns: Argument `$map` of `map-get($map, $key)` must be a map

sass angular-material2

Datepicker in angular shown at bottom

Default Icon List of Angular Material 2+

Can't override the angular material theme with my css properties

Drive material date picker control from reactive form

No component factory found for Component. Angular2 Material Dialog

angular angular-material2

How to fix the header of mat-tab

how to use scroll event in angular material mat select?

How to deselect single row from mat-table

Angular Material 2: Add mat-error within a mat-checkbox

angular angular-material2

Angular Mat tree re-render performance issue takes too much time

Angular Material 7 Multi Select - Set selected value

Can't bind to 'ngIf' since it isn't a known property of 'md-card-title'