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AngularJS Error: Unknown provider: $animateProvider <- $animate

angularjs angular-ui

Customising behaviour - toggle class- popover - Angular UI bootstrap

Creating Stateful Modals in AngularJS with angular UI route and UI modal

Angular UI: Dropdown not working with datepicker

AngularJS ui-calendar – model with events

AngularJS Bootstrap UI btn-checkbox in ng-repeat

How can I get all the selected objects of Checkboxes in AngularJS?

angular-google-maps vs. angular-ui / ui-map

How to bind a string variable to datepicker control instead of a date object?

angularjs angular-ui

Max/min attributes in bootstrap-ui timepicker

Angular-ui modal issue

AngularUI datepicker-popup - manually typed date and min/max dates

How do I sendKeys to a ui-ace instance with Protractor?

How to configure Angular UI bootstrap directives globally

How to validate an IP in a text field AngularJS

Programmatically click to change the current tab in UI-Bootstrap

How to implement server side pagination in angularjs using angular-ui bootstrap.?

Angular Material 7 Multi Select - Set selected value

Angular - no method sortable

$watch not working inside Angular Modal