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New posts in angular-ui-bootstrap

Opening the same dialog multiple times with $dialog

Why does $modal introduce an extra scope for the form?

Bootstrap dynamic divider for columns (angular solution preferable)

Angular UI Bootstrap datepicker in modal only working on first click

Angular UI bootstrap datepicker pop-up not working when upgrading to version 0.11 from 0.10

Processing objects with meaningful keys in ui-bootstrap typeahead

AngularModalService: passing data to controller

angular bootstrap modal backdrop not showing for bootstrap css version 3.3.2

Creating Stateful Modals in AngularJS with angular UI route and UI modal

Passing multiple parameters UI Bootstrap Modal Window Angular JS not working

Angular UI: Dropdown not working with datepicker

Does $uibModalInstance have any properties like .ready or .opened?

check if ng bootstrap modal is already open

Trouble with active tab default using AngularJS, UI Boostrap, and UI Router

Max/min attributes in bootstrap-ui timepicker

Add button to accordion heading angular-ui bootstrap

Angular bootstrap modal causing strict-di error, not sure why

angularJS pass object attributes to modal

How to configure Angular UI bootstrap directives globally

Impossible to test Angular UI Typeahead with Poltergeist and PhantomJS