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Passing multiple parameters UI Bootstrap Modal Window Angular JS not working

I am trying to pass 4 variables into and out of a modal window, using AngularJS and UI Bootstrap. Unfortunately when I get the parameters back from the modal window, only 1 of the parameters shows up - all the rest return as 'undefined'!

To the code:

Here is where I open the $modal service, and pass the 4 parameters:

$scope.open = function() {

    var modalInstance = $modal.open({
        templateUrl: 'modal.html',
        controller: 'ModalController',
        resolve: {
            var1: function() { return $scope.var1; },
            var2: function() { return $scope.var2; },
            var3: function() { return $scope.var3; },
            var4: function() { return $scope.var4; }

These are injected to the ModalController like so:

var ModalController = function($scope, $modalInstance, var1, var2, var3, var4) {

Inside the ModalController, I can see and use these variables just fine.

I then return them to the parent Controller by closing the modal window like this:

var ok = function() {
    $modalInstance.close($scope.var1, $scope.var2, $scope.var3, $scope.var4);

The problem becomes clear when these values are received back in the parent controller - it only seems to pass the first parameter, var1. All the others are undefined!

modalInstance.result.then(function (var1, var2, var3, var4) {
    $scope.var1 = var1;
    $scope.var2 = var2;
    $scope.var3 = var3;
    $scope.var4 = var4;
}, function () {
    console.log("Modal dismissed at: " + new Date());

Now, I see in the UI Bootstrap documentation that the "close" function expects a promise. I'm pretty new to Angular and Javascript and don't really understand why 1 variable works, and not multiple? I assume I have structured things incorrectly... I don't really understand how the resolve stuff works, so I am sure I am doing something pretty stupid.

Any ideas?

like image 668
Tom O'Brien Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 19:03

Tom O'Brien

2 Answers

return one JSON object, like:

$modalInstance.close({'var1':$scope.var1, 'var2':$scope.var2, 'var3':$scope.var3, 'var4':$scope.var4});


modalInstance.result.then(function (result) {
  $scope.var1 = result.var1;
like image 146
Dmitri Algazin Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 08:03

Dmitri Algazin

If you look at the signature for .then(), you'll notice that it doesn't send through an unknown number of arguments but rather very specific parameters. The first argument is your data. As such, send an object representing all of your data rather than breaking it apart.

var ok = function() {
    var data = {
        var1: $scope.var1, 
        var2: $scope.var2, 
        var3: $scope.var3, 
        var4: $scope.var4

modalInstance.result.then(function (data) {
    $scope.var1 = data.var1;
    $scope.var2 = data.var2;
    $scope.var3 = data.var3;
    $scope.var4 = data.var4;
}, function () {
    console.log("Modal dismissed at: " + new Date());
like image 35
David L Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 08:03

David L