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Angular mat-select get the selected option data object

Under my Angular 7 app , i'm using the mat-select component :

<mat-form-field  class="col-md-3" color="warn">
     <mat-select placeholder="Selectionner le code Edo"
     <mat-option (onSelectionChange)="onEdoSelectionChanged(edo )"
                 *ngFor="let edo of shopsList"

My options data are the following:

let shopsList= [
    'edoId': '4010',
    'storeName': 'ABBEVILLE'
    'edoId': '3650',
    'storeName': 'AGEN'
    'edoId': '3298',

My purpose is to get the selected object data when an option is selected , and not just the value

for example when i select the first option , i wanna get this :

result = {
    'edoId': '4010',
    'storeName': 'ABBEVILLE'

And not only the value '4010'

As you can see i ve tried this : (onSelectionChange)="onEdoSelectionChanged(edo )

But this fires me always two events , for the old selected option and the new selected option ,

How may i only get the new selection data ??

like image 755
firasKoubaa Avatar asked Mar 04 '23 08:03


1 Answers

I think your error is with this bit of code:


Try changing it to


This will return the full object, instead of just that specific field

like image 193
bsheps Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 01:03
