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Angular Material 2: Multiple mat-table sorting is working on first table only

TypeError: core.defineInjectable is not a function while using angular material/cdk in angular 4.3.2

angular material 7 cdkoverlay set transparent/custom backdrop class

angular angular-cdk

how to close material overlay from within componentPortal instance

Angular 7 CDK Portal : Error Must provide a portal to attach

angular angular-cdk

angular 5 disable cdk focus state on mobile

Angular Virtual Scroll Not Detecting Changes to Add Items for Reactive FormArray

CDK drag-n-drop auto scroll

Mat-Table : Scroll a row into view in angular 2

drag-drop not found in @angular/cdk

Angular Material and CDK update 7 to 8 Migration Failure

Angular cdk drap drop - dynamic placeholder height

Mat Sort Issue for Numbers and Text Columns

How to disable sort in a CdkDropList using angular cdk v7.0.0+

Angular CDK drag and drop lists break when their data is re-instantiated

Obtaining a static component reference within a cdk-virtual-scroller? (References are recycled)

Angular 8 & Angular Material: Drag Scrolling with CdkDropList item