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Angular 6 Material Dialog Font Discrepancies and Material Icon Size Modification


angular material mat-select drop-down width

Angular material badge position

mat-autocomplete auto-hide placeholder text on input focus

How can I remove the select box from angular mat-menu?

Angular Testing for Angular-Material on Mat-Menu

How to set color of active item in mat-nav-list in angular 6

angular material stepper add new step items dynamically on every click

Material Dialog gets stuck when called onClick of leaflet Marker

Can we use both angular material and bootstrap together for an angular project?

Angular mat-autocomplete : How to display the option name and not the value in the input

The correct method of updating a MatTableDataSource in angular 2 version 6

Angular AutoComplete is returning value as [Object Object]

Angular6 Material6 Error: "There can only be one default row without a when predicate function."