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Mat-select panel min-width

I'm trying to customize mat-select with multiple checkboxes. for some reason the panel get wrong min-width as below:

enter image description here

and I don't know where its calculating this min-width. also I tried to add panelClass and override the min-width from this class, for example:

<mat-select #multipleSelect (selectionChange)="selectItem($event.value)" panelClass="multiple-panel" multiple>      

&.multiple-panel {
   min-width: 200px !important;

but when opening the dropdown its open with the original width (like in the pic) and after few millisecond"jump" to the custom min-width defined on the panel class.

I find the mat-select very hard to style. anybody knows how to solve this problem?

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Tomer Aronovsky Avatar asked Oct 31 '18 21:10

Tomer Aronovsky

Video Answer

2 Answers

You can style your mat-select dialog box by giving a panel class (as you mentioned).
Please follow this demo : https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-matselect-style?file=src/styles.css
to see the styled mat-select components.

Reason :

  • Reason for the delay is that angular for dialog-boxes, create a cdk-overlay-pane inside the cdk-overlay-container container, So in case of mat-select it provides a min-width of 180px, which is overridden by our panel class in the slight delay.
  • Yes, there is a slight delay in opening of dialog box and customizing its width to the specified width provided in the panel class. But the delay is acceptable in the project that i was working on.
    So, you can find the demo for styling the mat-select component, as i have provided 2 components and you can modify any css properties.
  • Try to use styles using ::ng-deep or :host >>>, if not finding any luck,
    please paste the styles in style.css.

Update 1 :
Tried css animations, and opacity for making smooth opening of the mat-select options.

.panel-class-applied-on-mat-select {
  animation-name: opacityDelay !important;
  animation-duration: 0.3s !important;

@keyframes opacityDelay {
   0%   {opacity: 0;}
  25%  {opacity: 0;}
  50%  {opacity: 0;}
  75%  {opacity: 0;}
  100% {opacity: 1;}

Updated StackBlitz Demo

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Abhishek Kumar Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Abhishek Kumar

I used another approach. Just added this piece of code to global style.

.mat-select-panel {
// some your code
  &.ng-animating {
       visibility: hidden;

You can try this solution on DEMO StackBlitz.
Hack with opacity did not fix jumping width when select is closing.

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Mykola Novytskyi Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Mykola Novytskyi