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New posts in activemodel

Detecting if value of attribute changed during last update doesnt work with Active Model Dirty

Rails validatation to ensure a username does not clash with an existing route?

Getting ActiveModel::Callbacks to work with ActiveResource

Does ActiveModel have a module that includes an "update_attributes" method?

Rails accepts_nested_attributes count validation

Rails Undefined Method 'model_name'

Change input name of model

Rails 3 ActiveModel: cannot include ActiveModel::Model directly

rails 3.2.0 and heroku

Ruby on Rails 3 (3.1) ActiveModel Associations (tableless nested models)

Change or update an attribute value during Rails ActiveRecord validation

Shoulda-Matchers and Custom Error Messages

Rails 3.2 to 4.0 Upgrade: Undefined method to_datetime for false:FalseClass

How to get name of current rake task in my Rails model?

How to create ActiveRecord tableless Model in Rails 5?

" 'nil' is not an ActiveModel-compatible object. It must implement :to_partial_path " error in micropost model

ruby-on-rails activemodel

form_for non-AR model - fields_for Array attribute doesn't iterate

Serialize permissions (e.g. CanCan) with active_model_serializers

Is Mongoid::Document a GlobalID::Identification for ActiveJobs?

How to access params in the callback of a Rails model?