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Ruby on Rails 3 (3.1) ActiveModel Associations (tableless nested models)

How to impliment ActiveModel associations (tableless nested models)?

For example:

book has many chapters

With ActiveRecord I would create two models and assosiate them with has_many and belongs_to. But ActiveModel doesn't have such functionality. How can I implement this?

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WHITECOLOR Avatar asked Jul 06 '11 08:07


2 Answers

With rails versions >= 2.3.x you can use the activerecord-tableless gem. With that gem you can have associations and validations without a database.


I have been added as author to the gem and I have updated the gem to support newer Rails versions. So now we can have tableless models with associations in Rails versions >= 2.3

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Jarl Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11


You simply can't do it that way. It is not active record.

You can check ActiveModel documentation (and source code) at :


I guess you have to do it old fashion way, using an array of chapters and a reference to the book in the chapters.

Hope this helps!

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Dominic Goulet Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11

Dominic Goulet