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form_for non-AR model - fields_for Array attribute doesn't iterate

I'm having trouble getting fields_for to work on an Array attribute of a non-ActiveRecord model.

Distilled down, I have to following:


class Parent
  extend ActiveModel::Naming
  include ActiveModel::Conversion
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  extend ActiveModel::Translation

  attr_accessor :bars


def new_parent
  @parent = Parent.new

  @parent.bars = ["hello", "world"]
  render 'new_parent'


= form_for @parent, :url => new_parent_path do |f|
  = f.fields_for :bars, @parent.bars do |r|
    = r.object.inspect

With the code as above, my page contains ["hello", "world"] - that is, the result of inspect called on the Array assigned to bars. (With @parent.bars omitted from the fields_for line, I just get nil displayed).

How can I make fields_for behave as for an AR association - that is, perform the code in the block once for each member of my bars array?

like image 764
Chowlett Avatar asked Nov 25 '11 16:11


2 Answers

I think the correct technique is:

= form_for @parent, :url => new_parent_path do |f|
  - @parent.bars.each do |bar|
    = f.fields_for "bars[]", bar do |r|
      = r.object.inspect

Quite why it can't be made to Just Work I'm not sure, but this seems to do the trick.

like image 145
Chowlett Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11


I think that it can be done without the need of each:

= form_for @parent, :url => new_parent_path do |f|
  = f.fields_for :bars do |r|
    = r.object.inspect

You need to set some methods that are expected in the parent class to identify the collection.

class Parent
  def bars_attributes= attributes

And you also will need to make sure that the objects in the array respond to persisted (so you cannot use strings) :(

like image 1
eloyesp Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 19:11
