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New posts in 64-bit

How can I save/load a 16 bit image in .net x64?

Segmentation fault when enabling optimization in a simple GTK+ application?

Linking with x86 shared library on Linux x64

linux linker 64-bit x86-64

Why the process is getting killed at 4GB?

linux process 64-bit

Declaring constant absolute 64-bit addresses in NASM

my .exe program is not what I expected

Visual Basic - MSBuild Not Running

What is the purpose of the 40h REX opcode in ASM x64?

64-Bit VB.NET Allocating > 2GB of RAM (.NET bug?)

c# .net vb.net memory 64-bit

Why is my VB6 application manifest ignored on 64bit machines?

32bit binaries on sharepoint 64bit, An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

c# sharepoint 64-bit

Do I need to have 64 bit Processor to use 64 bit data type

c++ c 64-bit int64

howto install pygraphviz on windows 10 64bit

file.separator Java 7 option causes ExceptionInInitializerError

java windows jvm 64-bit teamcity

XmlSerializer startup HUGE performance loss on 64bit systems

.net 64-bit xmlserializer

Visual Studio loading the right (x86 or x64) dll

How to debug unaligned accesses on amd64 using Visual Studio?


Why is OpenSubKey() returning null on my Windows 7 64-bit system?

.net 64-bit registry