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New posts in int64

C# Convert a number larger than Int64 to HexaDecimal

c# .net hex int64

How do I convert 64-bit hexadecimal strings in R?

r type-conversion int64

Why does var get resolved as a Double and not Long?

c# double int64

Setting all bits in int64_t

c++ int64

Endianness of 64 int64_t on 32 bits systems

c++ c endianness int64

How to write INT64 to CString

c++ windows mfc cstring int64

Cannot convert value of type 'Int64?' to expected argument type 'Int'

swift casting int int64

How to declare an Int64 constant?

Definition of large integer value

c++ casting int64

Mismatching types 'Int64' and '_' when trying to assign optional Int64 to a dictionary key

ios swift int64

Swift - Cast Int64 to AnyObject for NSMutableArray

Why can't I directly set an __int64 variable to -2500000000?

64 bit integers and older C++ compilers

How to change System.DirectoryEntry "uSNChanged" attribute value to an Int64

Swift: Cast Any Object to Int64 = nil

swift int64

__int64 to CString returns wrong values - C++ MFC

c++ mfc printf c-strings int64

Convert uint64 to int64 without loss of information

random go int64 uint64

Why do my .net Int64's behaves as if they were Int32's?

Do I need to have 64 bit Processor to use 64 bit data type

c++ c 64-bit int64

strconv.Itoa64(1234) gives undefined in golang

go int64 uint64