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New posts in 64-bit

Delphi: Set ImageBase bigger than 32-bit (for 64-bit Windows application)

delphi winapi 64-bit

Why can't I get GetPrivateProfileString to work via pinvoke?

.NET version with 64-bit versus 32-bit assemblies

How to run 64 bit apps on 32 bit os

linux 64-bit

What am I compromising by running my application as 32 bit in a 64 bit OS Machine

c# 64-bit dbf oledbconnection

Using 64-Bit SPSS Libraries in C#

c# 64-bit spss

What's the difference between struct __stat64 and struct _stati64 on WIN32?

winapi 64-bit msdn stat widechar

Does 64 bit ActiveX exist?

com 64-bit activex

64-bit ASP.NET MVC App won't run

64 bit number support in CUDA

cuda 64-bit nvidia

Force a C# Application to run in 32bit mode on a 64bit server

c# .net 64-bit 32-bit

MySQL Connector C++ 64bit build from source in Visual Studio 2012

How to know if your .ipa is 64-Bit

ios ios8 64-bit 32bit-64bit

Target 64-bit program files folder with the latest Install Shield LE

clang-cl on Windows 8.1 compiling error

Virtual address space in 64 bit systems running in compatibility mode

MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Attrib on x64 machine failing

64-bit Java Apps: Is a 64-bit OS, 64-bit JRE and 64-bit Application required?

java eclipse netbeans 64-bit

Why is valgrind limited to 32 Gb on 64 bit architectures?

When is sizeof(myPOD) too big for pass by value on x64?

c++ c x86 64-bit x86-64