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New posts in installshield

Install driver using InstallShield

Target 64-bit program files folder with the latest Install Shield LE

Find InstallShield version used for creating an ISM file

Setting Version of InstallShield 2009 InstallScript project from IsCmdBld.exe


Questions about a Windows Service that is mostly idle

Unwanted Dependency on .NET Framework

MSIEXEC not installing an MSI setup if /QUIET parameter is used to suppress the UI

Deleting old file versions during an upgrade install

Prevent .NET config file being overwritten during install

Installer and deployment recommendation for .NET4.5 application

Check for Updates functionality For Windows application

Nested Wow6432Node key in InstallShield

execute .BAT file in installshield

Upgrade built by InstallShield 2012 reports installed version in bad format

Installshield Build Automation

msbuild installshield

Can't create non-advertised shortcut in InstallShield 2012 Limited Edition

Is there any definitive documentation on writing software installers?