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New posts in 32bit-64bit

Installer which chooses the MSI based on the CPU architecture (x86 32-bit, x64 64-bit, etc)

How do I multiply 2 32-bit integers to produce a 64-bit integer?

c int 32bit-64bit

cmake built a 32 bit project in my 64 bit windows

CreateThread() fails on 64 bit Windows, works on 32 bit Windows. Why?

How to build 32-bit Qt5 application on 64-bit Ubuntu

qt ubuntu gcc qt5 32bit-64bit

Trying (and failing) to run Hello World 32-bit C++ program on 64-bit Ubuntu on Windows 10

cocoapods framework much slower in my app than in example

ios 32bit-64bit

How to make JNLP download the correct version of JavaFX 2?

C# - AdjustTokenPrivileges not working on 32bit

What must be recompiled to run a x32 ABI application?

Is it possible to avoid serialization/deserialization and to share big memory object with Memory-mapped files (MMF)?

Yet another "could not load file or assembly ... or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified"

.net sqlite nunit 32bit-64bit

running a 32 bit binary on a 64 bit machine

linux 64-bit 32bit-64bit

Compiling 32-bit Qt application using 64-bit package

How do I conditionally install a file with WiX based on the target machine (32bit or 64bit)?

windows wix 32bit-64bit

Determine 32/64 bit architecture in assembly