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New posts in 32bit-64bit

Ways to wrap 32-bit .dll so it will work in a 64-bit OS

java dll winapi 32bit-64bit

Developing on both 32 bit and 64 bit processors, how should I structure my project to automatically reference the right dlls?

Find bitness (32-bit/64-bit) from Excel Application object?

32 v/s 64 bit architecture - virtual address space

Writing an R package that is different per architecture

r 32bit-64bit

Why 64bit program files are bigger than 32bits? [closed]

Eclipse Memory Analyzer: Unable to attach to 32-bit process

memory 32bit-64bit analyzer

Batch file REG QUERY command searches in 32 bit registry instead of 64 bit

Battling with wxpython

macos wxpython 32bit-64bit

64 bit assembly on Mac OS X runtime errors: "dyld: no writable segment" and "Trace/BPT trap"

Unable to compile i386 compatible ffmpeg dylibs on Mac OS X

Compile Console App as 32 bit

Using LD_PRELOAD mixed 64bit/32bit environment in Linux

Why do I get nonsense from GetModuleFileNameEx on 64-bit Windows 8?

delphi winapi 32bit-64bit

How to write convertible code, 32 bit/64 bit?

32 to 64 bit "Gotchas" in PHP

php 32bit-64bit

How can my program determine if it is running on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows?

Java programing for 64 bit JVM

java 64-bit 32bit-64bit

"Simulating" a 64-bit integer with two 32-bit integers

What are the memory requirements for large python list?