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New posts in 32bit-64bit

Forcing a Cocoa application to start in 32-bit mode programmatically

cocoa macos 32bit-64bit launch

compile 32bit code from cygwin64

How can 32-bit application find the location of 64-bit Program Files directory on Windows Vista 64-bit?

32bit-64bit vista64

32-bit legacy COM DLLs on Windows Azure

azure 32bit-64bit

Android Studio Emulator - Java instance does not support 32 bit JVM

Why is the 64-bit MSBuild loading 32-bit extensions?

How to build 32bit python 2.6 on 64bit Linux?

python linux build 32bit-64bit

Executing 32 bit code under Ubundu 64 bit installation error- No such file or directory

Endian representation of 64-bit values

c 32bit-64bit endianness

Mac OSX 10.6 compiler: a puzzling experience with 32 vs 64 bit

How can I call a 32-bit DLL from 64-bit code?

Why windows 64 still makes use of user32.dll etc?

winapi 64-bit 32bit-64bit

How can I read 64-bit registry key from a 32-bit process?

Algorithm C/C++ : Fastest way to compute (2^n)%d with a n and d 32 or 64 bit integers

c++ algorithm 32bit-64bit

Use 32-bit version of ODBC on 64-bit Windows 7?

vb6 odbc 32bit-64bit

TableView load issue in ios simulator 64-bit

32 bit dll importing in 64 bit .Net application

c# .net delphi 32bit-64bit

How to use 32-bit pointers in 64-bit application?

c pointers 32bit-64bit

Application with LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag set getting less virtual memory

WiX burn bootstrapping x86 and x64 msi's into single No-UI bootstrapper