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New posts in 128-bit

128 bit Int in SQL Server 2012?

Unsigned 128-bit division on 64-bit machine

128 bit integer with c on windows?

c windows gcc integer 128-bit

Fastest way to convert binary to decimal?

c bigint bignum 128-bit

Is 128-bit "long-float" useful? [closed]

How does this 128 bit integer multiplication work in assembly (x86-64)?

c assembly x86-64 128-bit

128-bit shifts using assembly language?

Is there any way to do 128-bit shifts on gcc <4.4?

c gcc bit-shift 128-bit

__uint128_t on mingw gcc

c gcc mingw 128-bit int128

128-bit division intrinsic in Visual C++

How can I represent a 128bit integer in Java or C++? [closed]

java c++ integer 128-bit

How to know if __uint128_t is defined [duplicate]

c c-preprocessor 128-bit

128 bit integer on cuda?

integer cuda nvidia 128-bit

Cannot use 128bit float in Python on 64bit architecture

python numpy 128-bit

What gcc versions support the __int128 intrinsic type? [duplicate]

How to use Gcc 4.6.0 libquadmath and __float128 on x86 and x86_64

Modulo operator slower than manual implementation?

Does gcc support 128-bit int on amd64? [duplicate]

How can I add and subtract 128 bit integers in C or C++ if my compiler does not support them?

c++ integer 128-bit

Is there a 128 bit integer in gcc?

c gcc x86-64 bigint 128-bit