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Is there any way to do 128-bit shifts on gcc <4.4?

gcc 4.4 seems to be the first version when they added int128_t. I need to use bit shifting and I have run out of room for some bit fields.

Edit: It might be because I'm on a 32-bit computer, there's no way to have it for a 32-bit computer (Intel Atom), is there? I wouldn't care if it generated tricky slow machine code if I would work as expected with bit shifting.

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Roman A. Taycher Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 05:04

Roman A. Taycher

People also ask

Does C have 128-bit integers?

Software. In the same way that compilers emulate e.g. 64-bit integer arithmetic on architectures with register sizes less than 64 bits, some compilers also support 128-bit integer arithmetic. For example, the GCC C compiler 4.6 and later has a 128-bit integer type __int128 for some architectures.

How many digits is a 128-bit number?

The 128-bit data type can handle up to 31 significant digits (compared to 17 handled by the 64-bit long double). However, while this data type can store numbers with more precision than the 64-bit data type, it does not store numbers of greater magnitude.

What is int128_t?

As an extension the integer scalar type __int128 is supported for targets which have an integer mode wide enough to hold 128 bits. Simply write __int128 for a signed 128-bit integer, or unsigned __int128 for an unsigned 128-bit integer.

3 Answers

I'm pretty sure that __int128_t is available on earlier versions of gcc. Just checked on 4.2.1 and FreeBSD and sizeof(__int128_t) gives 16.

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janm Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09


You could also use a library. This would have the advantage that it is portable (regarding platform and compiler) and you could easily switch to even bigger datatype. One I could recommend is gmp (even if its intention is not to handle bitwidth x, but variable as big as you want).

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flolo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09


Bit shifting is very easy in any arbitrary number of bits. Just remember to shift the overflowed bits to the next limb. That's all

typedef struct {
   int64_t high;
   uint64_t low;
} int128_t;

int128_t shift_left(int128_t v, unsigned shiftcount)
   int128_t result;
   result.high = (v.high << shiftcount) | (v.low >> (64 - shiftcount));
   result.low  =  v.low  << shiftcount;
   return result;

Similar for shift right

int128_t shift_right(int128_t v, unsigned shiftcount)
   int128_t result;
   result.low  = (v.low  >> shiftcount) | (v.high << (64 - shiftcount));
   result.high =  v.high >> shiftcount;
   return result;
like image 45
phuclv Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
