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New posts in xsd

How validate XML with XSD, when part of validation rules are in WSDL

c# .net xml xsd wsdl

Using xsd to generate XML in .net

.net xml xsd

Refactoring XSD Schemas

xml refactoring xsd

JAXB XJC code generation - ObjectFactory class is incomplete

java xsd schema jaxb xjc

Schema First WCF Development

wcf xsd wsdl

.NET xsd importer creates unserializable class

JAXB to be create a map from XSD

xml xsd jaxb

How can I export simple repeating data from excel as xml?

xml excel xsd excel-2007

How can I create a schema from an example XML document in Perl?

xml perl xsd

UnmarshalException - Namespace Issue?

java xml jaxb xsd

Is there any opensource tool for converting xml schema to database schema for linux?

use type from xsd imported from import


Optional key in XSD

xsd key

SAXParseException: value is not a valid value for 'date'

java datetime jaxb xsd xjc

BigDecimal has scientific notation in soap message

java web-services soap xsd

Generation of XSD restrictions in a schema generated from Java JAXB annotated classes

java xsd jaxb moxy

XML without namespace. Validate against one of several XSD's

java xml xsd sax xml-namespaces

How to validate a xml file against a given xsd file while parsing it with a sax parser?

java xml xsd

Does VS2010 have an xml schema validator?

Represent OR in XSD

java xml xsd