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How to override type of element inherited from parent complex type?

java xml inheritance xsd jaxb

Validating XML using XSD with regex pattern

java regex xsd sax

How to add XML elements into the toolbox in Visual Studio 2010 RC

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Official XHTML 1.1 DTDs vs. official XHTML 1.1 XML Schemas

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Is there a difference between XSD:Pattern and C# Regex?

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Cannot locate BeanDefinitionParser for element for Spring web services

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Ignoring xml namespace during unmarshalling in RestTemplate

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how can you use xmllint to validate against an internally specified xsd?

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How to export and import an XSD file in Visual Studio?

visual-studio xsd

What does the error "The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty." mean?

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XSD transformation into XML

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Generate object model out of RelaxNG schema with RNGOM - how to start?

Synchronous XML Schema Validation? .NET 3.5

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Schema validation not trimming strings before validating

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Are there alternate XML schema importers available for Delphi?

delphi xsd

xsd:list of custom type is generated into List<String>

java xsd jaxb

How do I handle whitespace with Python's elementtree?

Handling different XSD versions when binding XML to Java classes

java xml data-binding jaxb xsd

Inconsistent XSD validation of nested elements using `<xs:any>`

Does UML have an XSD for it's XMI?

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