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Is it possible to specify a list length on an anonymous type?


Export denormalized data from excel to xml

xml excel xsd denormalized

I can't see Jaxb tools in intellij IDEA

java xml intellij-idea xsd jaxb

Convert Cobol copybook to XSD

xml xsd cobol copybook

What tool can I use to merge wsdl and xsd file?

delphi xsd wsdl delphi-7

Making a web service request parameter a required field

wsdl xsd jax-ws

Element must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty

xml xsd xml-validation

Looking for a Sample IRS AIR XML file to use on the ISS-UI AATS 2016 site

xml xsd irs

How can you make a sequence of optional items which must be in order in an XML schema?

xml schema xsd sequence

converting csv to xml with an xsd

xml xslt csv xsd

Include XSD in Jar with Maven?

maven-2 xsd pom.xml

Is starting to use CDATA a breaking change?

xml xsd cdata

How to serialize a class generated from XSD to XML

c# xml serialization xsd

Namespace " Is not available to be referenced in this schema

xml xsd

How to export data from database to xml according the XSD

sql xml xsd

Convert xs:Enumerations in XSD to dropdown lists in Excel

xml excel xsd

How do you take an XML file and insert its values into a database table using SSIS (SQL Server 2005)

xml sql-server-2005 ssis xsd

JAXB (un)marshalling of xsd types: xsd:base64Binary and xsd:hexBinary

xml xsd jaxb unmarshalling

Regular expression for an ISBN 13

xml regex xsd isbn

xsd2java tools?

java xml xsd