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New posts in xml-validation

Error: It was detected that 'sites' has no namespace, but components with no target namespace are not referenceable from schema document

XML Signature element is not declared

The difference between <all> <sequence> <choice> and <group> in XSD?

XSD: default integer value range

xml xsd xml-validation

XSD element substitution group example?

Using .NET to validate XML against a schema

.net xml xsd xml-validation

The element "x" in namespace "xSchema" has invalid child element "y" in namespace "xSchema". List of possible elements expected: "y"

Does libxml2 supports XSD 1.1

How to validate xml with php

php xml xml-validation

Validation Failed: "EntityRef: expecting ';'"

JAXB: when using XML schema (.xsd) to validate an XML file, if validation fail, can I know which XML tag causing it?

java jaxb xsd xml-validation

Element cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is element-only

xml xsd xml-validation

XML Validation error: The element is not declared

c# xml xsd xml-validation

Validate XML with VS Code

Validate JSON against XML Schema (XSD)

java json xml xsd xml-validation

Is there an xhtml.xsd equivalent available for HTML5?

Server-Side XML Validation with CXF Webservice

What is an XML infoset and in what ways is it different to an XML document?

How to fix error: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed