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JAXB Bindings to schemas in a JAR

org.codehaus.mojo : jaxb2-maven-plugin : 1.6 --> API incompatibility was encountered

Partial-unmarshalling with JAXB

xml binding jaxb xjc

XJC does not generate enum inside xs:union

java enums xsd jaxb xjc

JAXB 2.1 - Customize xs:any binding

java jaxb xsd xjc

JAXB javaType customization on xs:integer produces @XmlElement with "type=String.class"

java jaxb2 xjc

help please: xjc throws "Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class"

How to generate *.xjb file from WSDL?

jaxb wsdl wsdl2java xjc xjb

How do I use JAXB/XJC to convert an XML file to an object? [closed]

java jaxb xjc

How to compile multiple xsd files in Gradle JAXB/XJC?

ant jaxb gradle schema xjc

marshall with xjc created nested classes

java jaxb xjc

How to disable Java Naming Conventions in xjc?

jaxb xjc

XJC Generating Integer Instead of int

xsd jaxb code-generation xjc

XJC superinterface and superclass only for all classes? [duplicate]

java xsd jaxb xjc jaxb2-basics

Defining package names for common XSD's with xjc and bindings

java xml xsd jaxb xjc

How to prevent XJC to generate javadoc header comments?


Use JAXB (xjc) generated classes in android

android xml json xsd xjc