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New posts in x86

Smaller instruction than "add esp, 4"

optimization assembly x86

How to return a complex return value?

Usage of _mm_shuffle_epi8 intrinsic

Is it possible to access physical address 0?

NASM: Count how many bits in a 32 Bit number are set to 1

signed and unsigned arithmetic implementation on x86

why is the call stack set up like this?

c x86 stack

What Assembly Instructions Live In the Master Boot Record?

x86 mbr

SSE Compare Packed Unsigned Bytes

x86 comparison unsigned sse

Assembly difference between [var], and var

assembly x86 nasm

Linux IA-32 memory model

linux memory model x86

what does this instruction do?:- mov %gs:0x14,%eax

c assembly x86

What does mov eax, dword ptr [eax] do?

assembly x86

add vs mul (IA32-Assembly)

gcc inline assembly - operand type mismatch for `add', trying to create branchless code

What does this assembly language code mean?

assembly x86

Understanding how EIP (RIP) register works?

Choosing the right and learning assembler for compiler-writing

x86 nasm assembly