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what does a bang character mean in a windows bat file?

windows batch-file

"delims=#+#" - more then 1 character as delimiter

windows batch-file cmd

How to change drive letter from command prompt or powershell in windows

Is it possible to prevent suspend in LOB UWP desktop application/background task?

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gradle command is failing as it is not able to start daemon

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Opening a UWP within a UWP application

Certain string in Windows PATH causing error

Why doesn't llvm-config on Windows emit the correct parameters for clang++.exe?

Make WPF Window Immune to Show Desktop (Prevent Hide)

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Capturing ctrl+c or any other process terminating signals in windows and linux with golang

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How to execute windows powershell command using childprocess and nodejs?

Change GTK+3 look on Windows

does building from a RAM drive truly yield speed increase?

Strange ERROR: Same PHP code but different result in mac and windows machine

php windows macos xampp

How are command prompt random numbers generated?

Opening the same .NET Core solution on both Mac and Windows

File Not Found Exception in Universal Windows Platform

How do I determine if an EXE (or DLL) participate in ASLR, i.e. is relocatable?

Inno Setup - Create shortcut in "Send to" context menu

windows inno-setup

How to get a declaration for DebugBreak without including Windows.h?