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ContactPicker is not working in Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight

System.ArgumentException: The header has an empty value

Microsoft Band SDK Deploy Error: To ARM in Release: Raw error code: 2148733978

How to block an app for 512 mb ram devices?

Windows Phone 8.1 Two Column Gridview Within Pivot

Windows phone 8.1 streamsocket.connectAsync generate "No more data is available. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070103)"

Silverlight button Mouse Over like hover effect

How to deploy Windows Phone 8.1 app to Windows 10 Mobile device?

can't install company app Codename One windows phone

Hiding the text of a TextBox control without using a PasswordBox

What's the icon needed for Cortana's Help list?

How to increase the thickness of a determinant progress bar?

Connect and disconnect from Bluetooth BLE on Windows Phone 8.1

Format date shown on DatePicker

WinJS: Promise chain sometimes sticks after usage of BackgroundUploader class on 512MB WinPhone8.1 Emu

Webview BaseURL in Xamarin.Forms on UWP and Windows Phone 8.1

Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 project app submission error

ObjectDisposedException on HttpClient

Multiple certificates with HttpClient

c# azure ssl windows-phone-8.1

How do you show the loading animation for windows phone 8.1 universal store apps?