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New posts in voice-recognition

Calling by skype using C#

c# skype voice-recognition

how to install flac support (flac libraries) to sox in Windows

Acoustic fingerprint code for iOS?

how to show up the google voice recognition settings in my app?

Understanding Voice Recognition Service

Voice Recognition API

Is there an API (or any hacks) to access Enhanced Dictation in Mac OS X Mavericks?

Offline hotword detection API in Android [closed]

android voice-recognition

What's the icon needed for Cortana's Help list?

How to launch app on Google Glass with Voice Command [closed]

Is it possible to have Android Voice Recognition (as a custom service) on Google Glass?

Voice Biometrics for Android [closed]

Android 2.2: Where is the option for speech input in the emulator?

How to decode speech input

How do I compare two voice samples on iOS?

Are there any existing research in Voice Recognition that can distinguish voice from different people? [closed]