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New posts in weak-references

Why isn’t my weak reference cleared right after the strong ones are gone?

Weak events in .NET?

Is self captured within a nested function

weak or strong for IBOutlet and other [duplicate]

JVM G1GC's mixed gc not collecting much old regions

Should ConditionalWeakTable<TKey, TValue> be used for non-compiler purposes?

WeakReference and event handling

Good implementation of weak dictionary in .Net

Android Asyntask: Use weak reference for context to avoid device rotate screen

Generic typeof for weak self references

How can you capture multiple arguments weakly in a Swift closure?

IBOutlet and viewDidUnload under ARC

Weak references - how useful are they?


When to use weak references in Python?

python weak-references

Collections of zeroing weak references under ARC

Is Josh Smith's implementation of the RelayCommand flawed?

Cost of using weak references in Java

Strong and weak references in Swift

WeakReference/AsyncTask pattern in android

Using weak self in dispatch_async function