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Good implementation of weak dictionary in .Net

Where can I find good implementation of IDictionary which uses weak references inside?

Dictionary should be holding only weak references to values and eventually clean up itself of dead references.

Or should I just write it myself?

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Konstantin Spirin Avatar asked May 06 '10 20:05

Konstantin Spirin

People also ask

How are weak references implemented?

When a weak reference A is created to an object B, there would be an entry in the hashtable modified or created, whose key would be the pointer to B. "Dirty" - to store a special hash-value with each object, which would be zeroed when the object is destroyed.

What is a weak reference and how could it be useful to us?

A weak reference allows the garbage collector to collect an object while still allowing an application to access the object. If you need the object, you can still obtain a strong reference to it and prevent it from being collected.

When to use weak reference c#?

Use long weak references only when necessary as the state of the object is unpredictable after finalization. Avoid using weak references to small objects because the pointer itself may be as large or larger. Avoid using weak references as an automatic solution to memory management problems.

What's a WeakReference when would you want to use one?

The WeakReference is a reference type and so, when you allocate a WeakReference you are allocating an entire object (with a finalizer too) to reference another object. Only that other object will be "weakly referenced". So it is usually not recommended to use WeakReference s to reference small data.

2 Answers

ConditionalWeakTable Class uses weak keys and automatically removes the key/value entry as soon as no other references to a key exist outside the table.

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madrang Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 14:11


You'll need to write it yourself. It should be relatively straight forward, implementing the IDictionary<T,T> interface and then storing the actual values as WeakReferences<T>. You can then check the values on add/select using TryGetTarget to see if they're still alive.

public class WeakDictionary <TKey,TValue> : IDictionary<TKey,TValue>     where TValue : class {     private readonly Dictionary<TKey,WeakReference<TValue>> innerDictionary = new Dictionary<TKey,WeakReference<TValue>>();               public TValue Index[ TKey key ]     {         get         {             // Use .TryGetTarget instead of .IsAlive and .Target             if (this.innerDictionary.TryGetValue(key, out WeakReference<TValue> wf) && wf.TryGetTarget(out TValue value))             {                 return value;             }              return null;         }              }          private void Cull()     {         var deadKeys = this.innerDictionary.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.IsAlive).Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToList();          foreach (var key in deadKeys)         {             _ = this.innerDictionary.TryRemove(key);         }     } } 
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Paul Alexander Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

Paul Alexander