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New posts in weak-references

Thread Safety of WeakReference

c# .net weak-references

Understanding ConditionalWeakTable

Can `weakref` callbacks replace `__del__`?

Python: which types support weak references?

Any practical example of long weak reference?

c# weak-references

weakref list in python

python weak-references

When should weak references be used?

c# java weak-references

How are weak references implemented?

Are C# weak references in fact soft?

Testing/Verifying a WeakReference

Do capture lists of inner closures need to redeclare `self` as `weak` or `unowned`?

Does WeakReference make a good cache?

Why do we need weak reference in java

java weak-references

ThreadLocal Resource Leak and WeakReference

"Weak reference": down to earth explanation needed

delphi weak-references

Is it possible to create a truely weak-keyed dictionary in C#?

Using Java's ReferenceQueue

What's the difference between ES6 Set and WeakSet?

How do events cause memory leaks in C# and how do Weak References help mitigate that?

c# .net events weak-references

Using __block and __weak