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New posts in retain-cycle

Is [Weak self] always needed when dealing with URLSession?

retain cycle when calling perfromBlock on self.managedObjectContext with ARC?

Should I use weak self inside a computed property's closure?

swift closures retain-cycle

Does calling a method inside a block that calls another method referring to self cause a retain cycle?

ios retain-cycle

Avoiding retain cycle when using function as a block in swift

Does using a function as a closure retain self?

swift retain-cycle

substituting for __weak when not using ARC

blocks, self, retain cycles

Should I Use "weakSelf" In a dispatch Block?

Swift Retain Cycles and Closures

ios swift retain-cycle

Does passing a function belonging to self cause a retain cycle when not in a closure?

Purposely Create Retain Cycle (Objective C without GC)

What is the reason of @strongify

SpriteKit not deallocating all used memory

Knowing where retain cycles are and removing them

Swift - Expecting a leak after strongly capturing self in closure

How to avoid a retain cycle when using an array of delegates in Swift [duplicate]

Why does UIAlertController create a retain cycle with self?

recursive block and retain cycles in ARC