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partial entity loading and management in silverlight / wcf ria

Select ListBox item only on Click or Enter key in Silverlight

Error MSB4018: The "CreateRiaClientFilesTask" task failed unexpectedly - Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain

RejectChanges for specific Entities

Entity Framework Code First DbContext Checks the ConnectionString During Compile?

Silverlight RIA Services - how to do Windows Authentication?

What is the equivalent of LINQ-to-SQL for Silverlight?

Where is System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework DLL?

LightSwitch 'Microsoft-LightSwitch-Security-ServerGenerated-Implementation-AuthenticationService.svc' does not exist

Difference Between WCF Service, WCF RIA Services, and WCF Data Service

How to implement a lazy loaded Silverlight data grid without using paging

WCF Ria Services ChangeSet.GetOriginal(): How does it work?

Why is it so hard to share resource files (resx) with my Silverlight client?

WCF-RIA Services Client OutputCache - how to force a refresh of the cache

EF5 Code First and RIA Services Silverlight "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error building client

Chrome does not show network traffic of Silverlight RIA services messages after update to version 32.0.1700.76 m

Linked file in WCF RIA service does not build in TFS Build server

WCF services by default are restful or soap based?

.Net RIA Services: DomainService Needs a Parameterless Constructor?

Custom implementation of a DomainService using Linq to SQL