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New posts in listboxitem

WPF. ListBox item style

wpf xaml styles listboxitem

Invalidate only a single item in ListBox

How can I style certain WPF listboxes to be radio buttons?

Is it possible to store a record in a ListBox's Item.Object property?

delphi listbox listboxitem

WPF ListView Inactive Selection Color and element font color

.net wpf listbox listboxitem

ListBoxItem in WPF - scale animation when selected

Animate ListBoxItem from one ListBox to another ListBox

wpf animation listboxitem

Is there a way to change the default color of a selected html listbox item?

Select ListBox item only on Click or Enter key in Silverlight

Listbox "IsSelected" binding only partially working

Apply multiple Datatemplates to listbox Itemtemplate based on data

How to determine index of current ListBox item from DataTemplate?

how to add user controls as listbox items

Handling double click events on ListBox items in C#

Getting the index of multiple selected items in a listbox using Silverlight

ListBoxItem.Parent returns nothing, unable to get it thru VisualTreeHelper.GetParent either

How to set ContextMenu of a bound item?

C#: Listbox Contextmenu for Listboxitems (WPF)

Binding the IsSelected property of ListBoxItem to a property on the object from it's source