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Only copy modified files in maven-war-plugin

plugins maven war overwrite

Grails quartz plugin is not working when deployed in Tomcat

Spring Boot war file works with embedded but not with standalone Tomcat

spring tomcat spring-boot war

NPE installing a Clojure WAR in Tomcat, restart fixes

Starting Spring Boot as a foreground process from within a bash script

java spring bash war

What is the difference between aar and war file?

axis2 war

How to configure multiple log4j for different wars in a single EAR?

configuration log4j war ear

Logback can't find logback.xml even though it exists (on the classpath)

java maven war logback

Where do Spring bean configuration files go in a Maven WAR module?

Seeing contents of war file without extracting

tomcat jar war

Adding WARs to Java's classpath

how to get java source code from war file?

java eclipse war ear

Deploying a WAR in Tomcat / Eclipse

eclipse tomcat deployment war

Using ant war task to include files in WEB-INF directory

How to run jetty 7+ with specified war with groovy/gradle?

BouncyCastle 1.51 loading in war on Wildfly 8.0

How do I automatically export a WAR after Java build in Eclipse?

java eclipse deployment war

Vaadin: How to add META-INF/services to the war?

java maven maven-3 war vaadin7

Tomcat 7 in Eclipse Indigo: Tomcat failing to start

How to assemble multimodule maven project into one WAR?