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New posts in war

How to run java class file inside the war file [duplicate]

java war

Weblogic application context root is war file name instead of name specified in weblogic.xml

Running a web application (WAR) with embedded jetty server

java jetty war

Deploy to weblogic using maven and jenkins

Gradle -> How to omit some jars from WEB-INF/lib

java jar war gradle apache-tomee

How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ? (or How to eliminate class loading isolation issue?)

java classloader war jboss5.x

Best practices to store and access resource files in java web application

Glassfish Server Error when deploy .war: Error occurred during deployment: Exception while preparing the app : Invalid resource

What is the difference between baseName and archivesBaseName in gradle war plugin?

gradle war

How can I read file from classes directory in my WAR?

java file classpath war

How can I deploy a WAR in an embedded Jetty 8?

java jetty war

Deploying .ear file to tomcat

tomcat websphere war tomcat7 ear

How to exclude files from being copied, by maven, into the exploded war

maven war

Is there any way to tell maven war plugin to use folder other than target/classes

maven-2 war

Tomcat 7.0.35 set HTTP response header Content-Type charset for static HTML files

How to include Groovy 2.0 in a deployed Grails 2.1.0 app?

grails deployment groovy war

Displaying version and date of build in the xhtml page

maven jsf-2 build version war

Deploy War File in Microsoft IIS 7

java iis-7 war

Gradle 'war' plugin how to change name of an archive

spring-boot gradle war