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New posts in visualstatemanager

Change VisualState based on property value

Changing properties of controls in ItemTemplate in VisualStateManager (WinRT XAML)

Using binding in VisualState Storyboard

VisualStateManager present both in WPF Toolkit and PresentationFramework - How to resolve

VisualStateManager in Silverlight: setting an initial state

wpf use VisualStateManager to change Visibility

wpf visualstatemanager

WPF change visual state of datatemplate when selected in a listbox

How can I animate the visibility of a control in UWP using Visual States?

Setting an Initial VisualState in WPF

wpf visualstatemanager

How do I change the VisualState in WP7

Can I change the VisualState of a DataTemplate in a ItemTemplate?

Why does my AdaptiveTrigger fire when I change the theme settings?

How to use VisualStateManager instead of DataTrigger to implement dynamic binding?

VisualStateManager and generated transitions

VisualStateManager -- showing mouseover state when control is focused

In a button's control template, how can I set the color of contained text?

How to wait for state changing transition to finish in Silverlight 4?

How to debug VisualStateManager in runtime

How to go back to "Base" state using VisualStateManager?