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New posts in visual-studio-2005

vcredist_x86.dll and version 8.0.50727.4053

Make a silly sound when build succeeds

Setup Visual Studio 2005 to print line numbers

How to programmatically change a project's product version?

What are all these Visual Studio 2005 files for?

Mercurial integration into Visual Studio 2005?

How to add multiple recipients to mailitem.cc field c#

What is the effect of "Suppress JIT optimization on module load" debugging option?

Sounds for build error/success in Visual C++?

Parse text file with XSLT

Why do I need to compile DateTime in boost if I am not using to_string or from_string?

How to dump or search in call stacks of ALL threads in Visual Studio

Source Control Association Bindings Problem

What are the advantages of VS2008 over VS2005 for C++ development?

Automated Dead code detection in native C++ application on Windows?

Visual Studio Full Screen Mode


Determining 64-bit vs. 32-bit Windows

Remove VSMacros80 directory

Where is <inttypes.h> in Visual Studio 2005?

c++ visual-studio-2005 c99

how to set MSBuild VC++ Directories